Sunday, May 17, 2015

Goat Jitters

As I write this I'm icing my left heel, wearing salonpas on my foot, and a PF sleeve. Last week I spent a very long time walking in shoes I shouldn't have. Monday morning, before the alarm, I woke up to a throbbing heel pain. Plantar Fascitis. I have been wearing my sleeve, and right now am icing my heel.

In 6 days I will be getting in the goat pen to run the Nanny Goat 24 hour run in Riverside, CA.

Last year I ran 55 miles, fell asleep on the trail thinking I was going to barf, woke up and fell asleep in the barn where the aid station is for a few hours, woke up and hobbled the last 7 miles to get to 62 miles or a 100k.

This year my goal is to run 100k (that's 62 miles) without taking a nap. Anything after that is gravy.

I'm making my list of what to bring, taking stock of what I have from last year. I don't know what clothes I'm going to bring yet.

My friends are trying to convince me to do 100 miles. I don't know about that.

The first exposure to Nanny Goat was pacing my friends Tony and Alva there. I didn't sign up for the race and wound up doing between 25 and 30 loops. Then I signed up for my first ultra at Nanny Goat. I took a few long breaks, but after about 16 hours I made it to 50 miles. Then, last year, I made it to 100k. This January I did a point to point 50 mile run in Avalon, CA. It took me 12:22 to finish but I felt good. It wasn't enough. April I did the Mt. Si 50 miler in 11:42. I think 100k is doable without stopping now. I don't know what comes after that.

After 62 loops I am going to take it a mile at a time. I'd love to run 78 miles. My Grampa would have been 78 this year on May 11th, and I miss him like hell every damn day. I want to call him and talk to him every day. I miss him saying "My Dinah!" so much I can't even say it out loud without bursting into tears still. Life sucks sometimes. I know people can't live forever, but damnit. Him being gone will never be okay. I guess goal 2 is for him. Last year I wanted to run 77 miles, but quit at 100k. I remember LT saying "don't you want to make your Grampa proud of you?" and I responded with "I'll die, and my Grampa doesn't want me to join him yet." I think this year I'll try harder though.

I know a year ago my limit was 100k, maybe a little less. I'm not trying to buckle, or run for anyone else - I just want to go out there and see what I can do. I want to find my limit again, and push past it.

Packing List:

  • 2 camping chairs
  • 2 cots
  • sleeping bag
  • table 
  • cooler
  • towels
  • batteries
  • flashlight
  • handheld bottle
  • tarps (for stall floor - need to buy)
  • earplugs and eyemask?
  • endurolytes and race caps
  • ibuprofin and alkaseltzer
  • immodium/pepto
  • run goo/aquaphor/goldbond/bodyglide
  • caffeine wakey wakey juice
  • ginger chews
  • salonpas
  • baby wipes
  • kt tape
  • lip balm
  • whisps (for brushing teeth)
  • hand sanitizer
  • bug repellent
  • sunscreen
  • safety pins (bye bye blisters)
  • first aid kit
  • tweezers/scissors
  • hairbands
  • deoderant
  • gum
  • road id? (like, if I keel over on the loop no one will know who I am?)
  • the stick
  • Altra Olympus and Torin
  • 4 pairs injinji socks
  • 4 pairs undies
  • 3 sports bras
  • gaitors
  • 2 shorts
  • 2 tights
  • pants for night
  • arm sleeves
  • 2 buffs
  • day hat w brim
  • warm hat for night
  • 3 t-shirts
  • 3 long sleeved shirts
  • sunglasses
  • spibelt
  • 2 headlamps
  • down jacket for night
  • hoodie
  • Beer
  • Water
  • Coconut water
  • tailwind
  • honey stingers
  • spam musubi
  • watermelon
  • sunflower seeds
  • rice balls
  • sweet potato wraps
  • tummy tea
  • pbj
  • fritos
  • potatoes
  • pickles
  • ginger ale
  • ice
For After:
  • Beer
  • Recoverite and Blender bottle
  • Holey jeans
  • Loose Shirt
  • Hoody
  • Sandals
  • compression sleeves
And for fun, here are some pictures of Nanny Goat.

There are more pictures, and so many more memories. Giovanni lifting up his son after finishing is my favorite. Cheering on Mark finishing his 100k. Getting to share my marathon with Leo. I can't wait to see, however many miles I do, what memories are made next week.

Monday, February 23, 2015


How much water do you drink? How much water should you drink? This is something I've been pondering at my desk job, feeling dehydrated from a long weekend. I've heard the 8 cups a day, but I've been doing research on how much our bodies really need, and have found the real recommendation is anywhere from a half an ounce to an ounce per pound of body weight. That's a lot of water! How much do you drink a day? Is it enough?

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Monthly Update

This year has been full of change. I started the year with a 50 mile run that pushed me to the limit of what I had. Almost a month later, my hip is still recovering. I've been doing more yoga, and less running. However, the main reason I haven't been running a ton of miles is because in January I bought a house. Yep. Big girl stuff. In Los Angeles, nonetheless. 

For the past 7 years, I have been living in the South Bay of L.A., and commuting over an hour each way into DTLA to my job in L.A. City Hall. I've been spending at least 10 hours a week on the bus, if I'm lucky and there isn't traffic... and this is L.A. 

My previous daily routine was to get up at 5 and get ready for the day, leave at 6, get to work at 7, leave at 4:30, get home hopefully before 6. I had to go to bed at 9, so I'd have 3 hours a day to do everything I wanted to do. I often had to choose between housework, my husband, and running. I never felt balanced.

Now, I'm living very close to work just East of DTLA near the Gold Line. My morning commute has been 10 minutes, and in the evening I walk over a mile and take the train for 30 minutes. I've reduced my commute from 2+ hours to around 40 minutes.

I haven't really noticed a difference yet, because I'm unpacking and moving. However, I have started incorporating some minor changes into my schedule.

  • I have a yoga mat in the living room, and have been doing plank pose, bridge pose, and a few other yoga poses every morning - even if only for a few minutes.
  • I've been taking the stairs to my 7th floor office in the morning, and back down.
  • I've been walking at least 1.5 miles a day, as opposed to none before.
  • I've been drinking more juice for snacks - mostly Bolthouse Farms.
  • I've been stopping at the store on my way home and getting 2 days worth of veggies, and cooking more clean nutrient dense foods.

There are some things that I haven't been doing though, that I need to resume once the move is done:

  • Getting enough rest and sleep, and letting my muscles recover.
  • Taking my vitamins and supplements every day.
  • Running more.
  • Reading more.
My mother gifted me a subscription to Clean Eating Magazine, and since I've moved I've made kimchi tofu tacos from it, and cooked soyrizo tacos, and some other vegetarian food. I'm working through the meat in my fridge, and then will be buying much less of it.

This weekend I went to ROGA at the Santa Monica Pier with my friend Crystal. We ran 3 miles on the beach, then there was a beautiful yoga session at the very end of the pier. It was beautiful and calming. The Santa Monica pier is the finish line to the L.A. Marathon. Santa Monica is where my grandfather grew up. Doing Warrior 1 and 2 looking out at the beach stretching North was emotional and calming all at once. My yoga intention was recovery, and in more ways than one. As I walked off the pier my uncle e-mailed me some poetry my Grampa had written a while back. I thought it was fitting seeing it where he gallivanted about as a kid. 

In 3 weeks I have the 30th L.A Marathon. My mom is coming down from Washington to run it with me. It will be our 6th consecutive LA Marathon, and we're looking forward to it. The goal is a PR for us both, so anything under 5:17 and we'll be more than happy... but honestly, we'll be running it together (and hopefully with our friend Leo who is awesome) and in the end we'd rather be able to say we ran together than ran fast... okay we're hoping for both though. Shoot for the moon! 

Friday, January 16, 2015

Avalon 50 Mile Benefit Run

In 2013 I ran my first ultramarathon, and did 50 flat miles at a 24 hour even (Nanny Goat). In 2014 I ran my second ultra again at Nanny Goat. I ran 55 miles, took a nap, then woke up and ran to 62 miles. I'd been eyeing the Avalon 50 mile benefit run for a while. I have many friends who ran it and loved it, and convinced me it'd be a fun 50 to run, so many months ago I signed up. My mother, who is often my running partner, signed up too and we decided to make a vacation out of it. We had a training plan, a hotel booked, and were all set.

The 2015 Avalon 50 Mile Benefit run was on January 10, 2015. I made reservations for the 2pm Catalina Express to Avalon the Friday before the race. I met my Mom and Dad at the terminal around noon, luggage in hand. I had an IPA with my friend Daniel Guzman in the terminal. My friends Liz, Danny, and Jeff (Liu) were on the ship with us, and since the weather was nice we found a spot up top after we stowed our luggage.

The ride was about an hour long. We stayed at the Pavillion Hotel in Avalon, checked in, dropped our luggage, and went to Antonio's for some Italian food before the race. I had their Alfredo pasta and it was very good. So was the Guinness. From the restaurant I walked to the expo down the street.

The expo was no frills. You wait in line, sign a waiver, get your bib, get your shirt. You leave your drop bag there that night. I used a sharpie to write my name and bib number on my duffle bag before I left it in the pile. So much work went into planning what went into that bag.

At 6:30 the race director had a quick talk about the race. He went over the rules, the course, told us to check in before the start so they knew we were there (no frills). He also announced no early start. My heart sank.

I've read, to estimate your time for Avalon, double your LA (or other road race) Marathon time, and add two hours. For me, that would be around 14 hours. The cutoff for Avalon is 12. My friend Danny talked to a man who'd ran many Avalon runs before. This man was Kent Holder, and it was his 33rd time running Avalon. I laughed and told him I'm 32, so I better listen to his advice. He told me I'd make it, and if not before the cutoff I would be close enough that I would be fine. I appreciated all his advice, and went back to the hotel and sketched out a pace plan to get us in before the cutoffs.

Five A.M came too soon. I suppose that was better than the early start, though. I had coffee with Liz and Danny. Jeff came by to have coffee. We all moseyed to the start. I was chatting away with some other runners from LA and before I knew it the crowd started running! I quickly turned on my Garmin and off we went.

We spent the first mile or two with my friend Wilmer, who was running his first 50. It was pitch black out, and our Black Diamond headlamps were on guiding us. We started to climb, climb, climb. This was rough because our legs weren't warmed up yet, but I was happy with our steady pace. At mile 5 you reach the top of the hill. The sun was rising through the clouds at this point, and I had to stop and take some pictures.

So did Chris Frost, the Mayor of Malibu. Well, he said he's not really the mayor, but that's his nickname. We ran together for a mile or two talking about phones and the Santa Monica Mountains. At mile 6ish we reached the first aid station. I looked at my Garmin and saw we were making damn good time, but knew it was early in the game. We each grabbed a water, some pretzles, and kept going. It started  drizzling on us, so we kept our Nike Cyclone rain jackets on, thinking it'd let up. HA.

The course is all fire road, with some patches of pavement. It kept raining on us off and on until about mile 10, when it really started and never let up. After a nice downhill We hit the Whacko Cafe Aid Station. We refilled our water, grabbed some oreos and a pb+j, and off we went.

Then we hit the mud. There was a nice uphill section that was not runable, because of the mud. It was sticking to our shoes, and we were sliding every which way on the course. At one point I did the splits from my legs sliding out from under me. I also pulled a muscle in my hip, trying to stabilize myself. Damn mud. I later heard one woman fell and dislocated her shoulder, and many others had some sliding issues. The worst part of the mud was the downhill portions. I love to fly downhill. I slid downhill like a penguin.

 This was where I ran into my friend, and other gal who also trains with Keira Henninger's Dirt Divas, Miranda and her friend Adrian who were running together. It was so special sharing the course with such strong runners who are even stronger people. Congratulations Miranda on your first 50! After a while I embraced it, when I could, and just bombed down in the mud hoping and praying I didn't eat it with every step. There were parts where I couldn't run though, and I was really worried that would slow us down too much. Surprisingly, we made it to the halfway point in good time.

To get to the turnaround you run down to Two Harbors, across the Isthmus, and back up to the Sign. You're supposed to mark your bib with something special there, but that special something wasn't working in the rain. I took a picture of us there instead, as proof we made it!

On the way back we hit the Aid Station, and I downed a beer (thank you!) and took what little food they had left. We were getting to be the back of the pack, so it seemed, so off we went. Back up the hill. We were worried about our time so we ran everything we could - uphill and downhill. It was very difficult. Mud stuck to our shoes, we slid, we screamed and laughed. I'll admit, for as much as I love running with my mom, we didn't talk much during this run. It was very hard. We had to focus on not falling. The rain was pouring and we were drenched, so we kept our faces down to keep the rain off. I couldn't really see, either, as my glasses were wet and foggy. We trudged on.

We made it back to the Whacko Cafe well before the cutoff. We took some pb+j and more oreo cookies, quickly downed hot miso soup, and moved on again. It was so wet at this point the poor volunteers at the AS were using palm fronds as planks in the water. We gave up on dodging the puddles of water and streams. Every time we tried to dodge the water we'd get stuck in mud, so we decided to stop going around and just take the path of least resistance. this really mattered in the end.

From Whacko Cafe was my least favorite part of the course, where it seems flat, but is a gradual uphill. I didn't realize it was uphill, so we ran it as much as we could but we started getting sore around mile 35 from all the mud.

We made it to the Eagles Nest Aid Station before the cutoff. We were drenched, and starting to get cold. We just chugged some gingerale and kept moving. They let us know from this point it was 6 miles of flat, so we had to haul to get there in time. It hurt, but we ran. It wasn't much of a run. I've never spent so much time with my mom not talking to her. The mud was still bad, but it was runable. We were so tired we even ran up some hills, because we couldn't feel it anymore. At the pumphouse AS they were taking our numbers to let the finish line know we were 6 miles. They said "one more hill, then downhill." That trek was a pain. I don't even think we took any food. If we did, I don't remember. We just rolled through to finish.

When we got to the top of the hill, I looked at my mom, and we started running. We ran our hearts out. After about a mile I needed to walk for a minute to catch my breath. We were sprinting with all our might. I walked for about 10 seconds then we resumed the bombing downhill. We passed a ton of runners walking down the hill. It was paved, which made it easy to navigate. My glasses were fogged up and wet, though, so I couldn't see well. One runner asked how we could be running, and didn't it hurt? Well, yes I told them - everything hurt so we might as well run. We knew when we ran past the gate we had less than a mile. I was so excited. I was going to finish this! I told my mom I'd cry if I weren't so tired. We were at 12ish hours.

I saw a red blur, and it was our friend Danny, waiting for us. He ran us in to the finish line. I felt bad I couldn't see and puddlestomped next to him a few times. It was very nice of him to bring us in!

My dad was at the finish line, too. I didn't see him until after we finished, but it was a nice surprise. Success!

Reflecting back on why it went as well as it did, I ate really well the whole week leading up to the race. I got plenty of sleep, especially the Thursday night before. I drank lots of coconut water every day leading up to the event. The night before I had fettuccine Alfredo with artichokes for dinner, and a Guinness or two. I ate my inari for breakfast an hour before the race. I had my Hammer Endurolytes every 45 minutes to an hour, and honey stinger chews when I got snacky. I was very lucky I felt so good. It was a good day.

After the race I went with Liz to get a glass of wine, then I showered and we were off to Luau Larry's for buffalo burgers and some IPA! Good times with good friends. Results were we came in in 12:22 and change.

I want to break 12 hours next year.

After the race on Sunday I took an epsom salt bath with a lush bath bomb. I finally cleaned my shoes. yikes!

Friday, January 9, 2015

Surf City Marathon Ambassador

I recently found out that I was lucky enough to be chosen to be an ambassador for the Surf City Marathon, held February 1st, 2015 in Huntington Beach, CA. The Surf City Half Marathon was my 2nd half marathon I ever ran, and also used it as a training run for my first full marathon later that year in LA. To read my silly newbie runner blog post about my first Surf City Half Marathon see it here.

I remember not knowing where to put my bib or timing chip, how to pace myself, prepare for sunny weather, and so many things. The first time I ran Surf City I didn't know what I was doing. Looking back it was pretty cute, knowing what I know now. 5 years later, and I'm excited and ready to run the Full marathon, and try to run my fastest marathon there.

The Surf City Marathon and Half course is a flat and fast course along the beach. It's great for a fast time. Currently the Full Marathon is sold out, and the Half Marathon is at 93% capacity. If you're on the fence about signing up, please use the discount code SCAPKITCH for $10 off. I'll tell you more about my experiences with this race below.

In 2014 I was gunning for a PR, which is a personal record or your fastest time. I had been sick, so I brought my hydration pack with some coconut water in it. This year I will just bring a handheld to cut back on that weight. There are more than enough water stops on the course, that if you have special fuel you can carry it or rely on their aid alone. I forgot my sunglasses. I had my husband drop me off at the start, and I forgot to leave my jacket in his car, so I ran the whole race with it tied around my waist. These are mistakes I won't make again. The race was beautiful. Here is a picture a friend took of me heading towards the finish line.

My running friends have become another family to me. I remember in 2013 I was hauling while I was running, and my phone was butt dialing my friends. My friend Nancy got texted gibberish and I left her a few messages of my steady cadence. whooops! I was happy to see them at the finish line in 2014! Check out our cool surfboard medals! 

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Los Angeles Marathon Ambassador

I recently found out that I was lucky enough to be chosen as an ambassador for the LA Marathon. 2015 will be the 30th anniversary of what was my first marathon, and I couldn't be more excited to run my favorite road marathon and represent it. Thank you so much LA Marathon, for choosing me to represent you and your darling event. I won't let you down.

I moved to Los Angeles in 2007, after living 25 years in the Pacific Northwest. I got a desk job (that I love) and to relieve stress and stay healthy I started walking. In 2009 I noticed the walking wasn't doing it for my mental or physical health, so I started running.

When my mom was a teenager, she was a runner. In fact, she ran a few marathons... right up until she had me - and then her running career was over - or so she thought.

In August of 2009 I called her and told her I joined a running group, and they were training for the LA Marathon. I had no intention of running a marathon! I just wanted to learn how to run. I learned to hold my hands softly and pump my arms, not to take large steps, and pretend I was a road runner (like the little desert bird, with a high foot turnaround). I remember calling my mom one day saying "mom, guess what? I just ran 8 miles!" I was so proud of myself. Sure, I took walk breaks, but that didn't matter. "I just ran 10." Was her reply. Little did I know what was about to happen.

I tend to go home for Thanksgiving, and in November of 2009 I got an e-mail confirmation that someone had signed me up for the Seattle Half Marathon. It was my mother! Not only that, but she signed herself up too. I was nervous, and didn't know what I was doing, and that race report can be found elsewhere. When we got back from the race, my mom confessed to me "Diana, we're both signed up for the LA Marathon." Initially, the thought was horror. I had enjoyed the Seattle Half Marathon, but I was sore and tired, and I didn't think I could do twice the distance.

I went back to LA and I kept training. There were setbacks. I hurt my knee a month before and had to take 3 weeks off. I was able to run again a week before the Marathon.

On race day of my first ever full marathon, 26.2 miles, I was a nervous wreck. My mom was with me, and she hadn't ran a marathon in almost 30 years. She was excited. I'd learned not to wear cotton, and I had running shoes, but that was it. I was told not to go out too fast. I remember the thrill of crowds lining up, and how surprised I was to see all the clothes people ditched while they warmed up (which I later learned all gets donated to charity). I remember lining up around Dodger Stadium in a sea of people like me, who were nervous and excited to see the City on foot. We heard Randy Newman singing "I Love LA" and we started running.

That was my first marathon. LA in 2010. It was a great race. It was amazing for a first marathon. My race report can be found here. I'm honored to have been selected as an ambassador for this race, my first, my favorite. I want to share the experience with other people of the excitement of their first marathon, of training for a new experience, or for running it for a marathon PR (personal record - your fastest time ever), or just for fun to experience the camaraderie of an entire city. For whatever reason you want to run it, I'm honored to be here to help you see that finish line. If you decide to sign up, please let them know Diana Kitching referred you.